Thursday, August 1, 2019

Recruitment and Selection of Incepta Pharma

30th September, 2012 Homayara L. Ahmed Course Instructor Manpower Planning and Personnel Policy (J-601) Bangladesh University of Professionals Mirpur Cantonment Dhaka – 1216Subject: Submission of report on â€Å"Recruitment and Selection Process of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd† Dear Madam, Here is the report on â€Å"Recruitment and Selection Process of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. †, which you have assigned us as part of the course curriculum Manpower Planning and Personnel Policy (J-601). This is a group assignment, which was assigned after a series of class lectures and case studies. Thank you for offering us the opportunity to prepare this report. We appreciate the chance to apply our theoretical knowledge which will surely stand us in good stead.We hope that despite of the limitations, this report will give a fare idea regarding Recruitment and Selection Process of an organization to the interested readers. We will be glad to clarify queries if you have a ny. Finally, we thank you again for providing us the opportunity to carry out such study. Sincerely yours, Md. Hafizur Rahman †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Faruque Ahmed†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Recruitment and Selection Process of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Prepared for: Homayara L. Ahmed Course Instructor Manpower Planning and Personnel Policy (J-601) Prepared by: Md. Hafizur Rahman M1112023Faruque Ahmed M1112038 MBA-12 BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF PROFESSIONALS Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka September 30, 2012 Executive Summary Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is a leading pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh which established in the year 1999. Now they are exporting their products in 57 countries. Around 4000 individuals from diverse disciplines are working in the company. To attain the goals and objectives, Incepta Pharma choose the right people both from internal and external sources. Only for entry level employees they use external recruitment and selection processes.Their external recruitment sources are universities and other organizations. Recruitment methods are job fair, campus recruitment, internships, advertisement, employee referrals. They use extensive interview method as selection tool. Person/organization staffing model is get priority in the selection process. For mid and senior level employees they follow promotion system based performance and experience. They always prefer employee referral. The main key factor of the success of Incepta Pharma is strong friendly and co-operative working environment.Employees share their tasks with each other. In suddenly vacancies of employment, employees work like team. CHAPTER ONE 1. Introduction: Recruitment is the process of identifying that the organization needs to employ someone up to the point at which application forms for the post have arrived at the organization. Selection then consists of the processes involved in choosing from applicants a suitable candidate to fill a post. Recruitment and selection is the core objectives of HR division of an organization.To attain the goals of an organization choosing the right people in right at time right place is very important. Incepta follow their own recruitment and selection process to pick up the best candidates which adjusted their organizational culture. They believe in team work. Employees share their work each other and help to understanding the tasks. They build a very co-operative and friendly environment which is the main ingredient to meet their ultimate goals & objectives. 1. 1 Background of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. s a leading pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh established in the year 1999. Incepta began its operation with a handful of highly skilled and dedicated professionals guided by an able leadership. Proper strategic planning, technical excellence, swift and timely decisions helped them achieve their objectives leading to much faster growth. Incepta was able to anticipate the need of the market and provide the right product at the right time. High focus on R&D investment from the very beginning made possible the introduction of quality products ahead of its competitors in most cases. Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. s now the 2nd largest Pharmaceuticals company of the country and recognized as the fastest growing of the top five manufacturing company in the country. . The company produces various types of dosage forms which include tablets, capsules, oral liquids, ampoules, dry powder vials, powder for suspension, nasal sprays, eye drops, creams, ointments, lotions, gels, prefilled syringes, liquid filled hard gelatin capsules, lyophilized injections, human vaccine etc. Since its inception, Incepta has been launching new and innovative products in order to fulfill unmet demand of the medical community.The focus has always been to bring new, more technologically advanced molecules and innovative dosage forms to the country. Headcounts: To ac hieve their purpose and mission, they affirm their values of integrity, respect for people, innovation, performance and leadership. Around 4000 individuals from diverse disciplines including pharmacy, microbiology, MBA, Accounting, Engineering and Medicine are working nationwide under the umbrella of Incepta. All the skilled and professional personnel are set at their very appropriate responsible positions. . 2 Objectives of the Study: * To learn about the real-life practices of recruitment and selection process practiced in incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. * To learn about the selection tools used and do a cursory analysis of the validity/reliability of these tools. 1. 3 Methodology and Sources of Data: Primary data: We collected information about recruitment and selection process of Inceta Pharma by face to faces interview. Md. Iftakhairul Alam Shehab Asst. Officer, Human Resources shared the recruitment & selection process of incepta with us.Secondary data: From the website of Incept a Pharma, we collected their background and some other information. 1. 4 Scope of Our Study: This report is prepared only the basis of Head office of Incepta Pharma which situated in Tejgaon, Dhaka. Basically we don’t emphasize on their whole industrial recruitment and selection process. CHAPTER TWO 2. Recruitment: To attain the ultimate goals and objectives of an organization, recruiting the right people is very important. Recruiting brings together those with jobs to fill and those seeking jobs. 2. Recruitment Sources: This is the first step in the recruitment and selection process. Sourcing candidates means organization employment specialist is using a variety of methods to find suitable candidates for job vacancies. Sourcing can be done via online advertising on job and career sites or professional networking and participation in trade associations. Another creative sourcing technique employment specialists utilize is monitoring employment changes at industry competitors to recruit applicants familiar with the same type of business you are operating.So recruitment sources are: * Internal Searches * Employee Referrals/Recommendations * External Searches * Alternatives The main external recruitment sources for entry level employees of Incepta Pharma are Universities, Other organizations. For entry level employees universities are good recruitment sources. Incepta pharmaceuticals is a reputed organization and maintain good working environment so employees of other organizations are also eager to join the organization. For mid and senior level they go for internal recruitment. 2. 2 Communication Message:There are about three types of messages (Traditional, Realistic job preview and targeted), organization may use to provide information that will attract a significant pool of qualified candidates and discourage unqualified ones from applying. Incepta Pharma normally use realistic job preview type message in their advertisement. 2. 3 Recruitment Method: 2 . 3. 1Entry Level: Incepta Pharma use job fair, campus recruitment, internship (mainly for pharmacists) advertisement, employee referral method for external recruitment. They use university teachers’ referral for pharmacists recruitment.Choice Basis: Generally for medical promotion officer (MPO) they give news paper advertisement. Here they need higher yield ratio because when applicants understand the responsibility and challenges during training period most of them switch the job. They use employee referral because it is cost effective and these types of candidates also have to cross an extensive selection process for final selection. So there is no possibility of nepotism. They use job fair and campus recruitment because the processes require less time and the methods are targeted.By using internship they can evaluate an applicant practically. Challenges of the Methods: Except advertisement by using job fair, campus recruitment, internship, employee referral methods they a re getting only limited applicants but a vast number of applicant are not coming to their applicants pool. So there is most possibility the organization is depriving from more efficient candidates. 2. 3. 2 Mid and senior level: The organization follows promotion system for mid and senior level employees. When the company was started they followed head hunting for mid and senior level employees.But now they use internal sources for mid and senior level employees recruitment. Mid and senior level employees turnover is rare in the incepta. When any mid and senior level employee turnover or dead then responsibility of that person is shared by his/ her team because they would like to do team work. Then the vacancy post is filled up by promotion system on performance basis. They do not follow success plan culture. Choice basis: If they use external recruitment processes for mid and senior level employees it will be time consuming and new employees will take time to adapt the environment.S o it is not good for mid and senior level employees. As they would like to do team work the employees know the duties and responsibility of their boss and colleague. So they can easily share duties and responsibility when a mid or senior level employee turnoff or dead. Challenges: If any time for uncertain situation turnover of mid or senior level is high then it difficult to share duties and responsibility among the employees. They may face to problem for development/succession plan as they are following internal recruitment process. CHAPTER THREESelection 3. 1 Selection: Selection of right people from vast number of candidates is a very difficult task. If there is continuous recruitment and selection process year round of an organization, those must have recruitment and selection department. Otherwise some organizations transfer their recruitment and selection responsibilities to the recruiting firm and they pay huge for it. Incepta Pharma handle their recruiting process own. Choi ce Basis of Selection Tools: For Initial Assessment Incepta Pharma overview Resumes and Cover Letters of a candidate.They take written test when a large number of employees are recruited. But for two or three employees they collect CV from CV bank and employee referral and start first interview. Though they prefer employee referral there is no possibility of nepotism because the applicants have to overcome an extensive selection process to get final job offer. So only efficient candidates are selected for their job. 3. 2. 1 Resumes and Cover Letters: All educational, previous experiences, extra curriculum activities and other required information are written in resumes and cover letters.And information needs to be verified by other predictors to ensure accuracy and completeness. Generally organization uses this selection tool to initial assessment of large number of candidates. But sometimes there is a possibility of falsification and misrepresentation of information in resumes and cover letters. Problem with resumes and cover letters: Though resumes and cover letters is the most cost effective method of selection but in words of validity or reliability is very low. Someone may be prepared his/her CV by other.Real work skills or knowledge cannot be measured through this method. 3. 2. 2 Interview Method: Any confusion/curiosity is dissolved with the face to face meeting between employers and candidates. Interview is very important to evaluate person/ job match. For making the interview effective organization should follows these rules: * Asking questions assessing most basic KSAOs * Sticking to basic, fundamental questions suitable for making rough cuts rather than subjective questions * Keeping interviews brief * Asking same questions of all applicants * Useing a standard scoring guideHowever it is almost impossible to judge qualified candidates without Job Knowledge Tests and Performance Tests and Work Samples. But Incepta Pharma take only resumes and intervi ew for selecting their qualified employees most of the cases. They take 3 step descriptive interview for choose their appropriate candidates. 3. 3 Selection Process: The selection process typically consists of eight steps: 1. Initial screening interview 2. Completion of the application form 3. Employment tests 4. Comprehensive interview 5. Background investigation 6. Conditional job offer 7. Medical/physical exam . Permanent job offer For entry level employees selection Incepta Pharma follow following sequence: Collection of CV| v Screening of CV| v Written test| v 1st interview by HR head | v 2nd interview by head of the department | v 3rd interview by director| v Conditional job offer| v Final job offer | Fig: Selection process for entry level employee of Incepta pharmaceuticals Ltd. Always they do not take written test. It depends on number and types of the employees. CHAPTER FOUR ConclusionIncepta pharmaceuticals Ltd. Wants to be research based global pharmaceutical company and a highly efficient generic manufacturer. Now they are 2nd largest pharmaceuticals company in the country and exporting their products in the abroad (57 countries). But they started their business from 1999. They are fastest growing of the top five manufacturing company in the country. The market position they gained within few years only possible by highly skilled and dedicated professionals who can take Proper strategic planning, technical excellence, swift and timely decisions guided by an able leadership.The most important factor that takes an organization in a leading position is its efficient and right human resources. Incepta obtained their skilled and experience human resources by well structured, concurrent and extensive recruitment and selection processes. They have own distinct recruitment and selection process. They prefer internal referral to pick up appropriate employee for their organization. Question may arise have they maintain nepotism and favoritism. Yes they use n epotism and favoritism in efficient and effective manner to draw attention of sufficient candidates who will be resources in future.

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