Sunday, August 25, 2019

Edgar Allan Poe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Edgar Allan Poe - Essay Example However his solitude would have been the inspiration for him to come up with classics of global class. This assumption was made from the fact that he was orphaned in the age of two and was deprived of the love and care of his parents at times he deserved it the most. Moreover the destiny of sorrow and suffering had followed him thoroughly all along his life. Being brought up as an orphan, the solitude didn’t leave him even in his adulthood. His wife Virginia Clemm, whom he married in 1936, left this world leaving him alone not so long after their marriage (Liukkonen P ,2008). The first collection of Edgar Allan Poe’s works was published in 1840. The collection tilted Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, had in it one of his work of high fame, The Fall of the House of Usher. This narrated the sorrow of one of his friend and conveyed the author’s compassion towards his friend. The next one in the row was ‘In Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym (1838)’ which was one of his longest works. This masterpiece was again a tragic story but contained mesmerizing innovations dealing with the tribes in the Antarctic Circle. The next year Allan Poe brought out ‘The Conchologists First Boo’k which proved to be a historic best seller. The linguistic skill of the artist was impeccably confirmed in this piece of art, as this work was really a retrieval of a work by Thomas Wyatt which proved to be a market failure. The Raven, which preached love was published in 1845 and brought national fame for the writer. Interestingly, this poem also spoke of sentimental feelings as the main theme was on a lost love. Probably, the tragedies that happened in his life and the cruel destiny that kept snatching the loved ones from the author’s life would have inspired this beauteous work (Liukkonen P ,2008). The factor that inspired me in the artistic works of Edgar Allan Poe is the positive energy he has

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