Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Adlerian Therapy Essays
Adlerian Therapy Essays Adlerian Therapy Essay Adlerian Therapy Essay Today, there are a lot of different kinds of psychiatric therapy or sets of techniques intended to improve mental health, emotional or behavioral issues of individuals, family members or a whole familys interactional climate. Mental health problems can have both psychological, social and somatic dimensions. These issues often make it hard for people to manage their lives and achieve their goals. Psychotherapy is aimed at these problems, and attempts to solve - or help people themselves to solve - them via a number of different approaches and techniques. The study will discuses the Adlerian therapy and Cognitive Behavioral therapy. It will provide the concenpt of the two psychological approach and their limitations. This study will also discuss the similarities and differences between Adlerian therapy and Cognitive Behavioral therapy. Analysis Adlerian therapy focuses on the importance of the feelings of self (ego) that arise from interactions and conflicts. It emphasizes motivation and social interaction. It is a phenomenological approach, where social interest is stressed. The nature of the therapy is informative and encouraging. It is a type of therapy where it stresses the collaborative partnership of the client and patient. Cognitive Behavior therapy focuses on the important role of thinking in how a person feels and what he or she does. The approach believes it is in the person’s thinking that causes her or him to feel and act the way he or she do. Therefore, if he or she is experiencing unwanted feelings and behaviors, it is important to identify the thinking that is causing the feelings or behaviors and to learn how to replace this thinking with thoughts that lead to more desirable reactions. (Beck, 1995) It is the fastest in terms of results obtain. The average number of session’s clients receives is sixteen. . Other forms of therapy, like psychoanalysis, can take years. What enable cognitive behavior therapy is to be briefer is its highly instructional nature and the fact that it makes use of homework assignments. (Beck, 1995) Adlerian therapy is a phenomenological approach where it attempts to view the world from the client’s subjective frame of reference. How life is in reality is less important than how the individual believes life to be. The therapy believes that it is not the childhood experiences that are crucial but rather it is our present interpretation of these events. It believes that our unconscious instincts and our past do not determine our behavior, which in this aspect Cognitive Behavior therapy shares the same belief. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is based on the scientific fact that the person’s thoughts cause his or her feelings and behaviors, not external things, like people, situations, and events. In this therapy, mental health is measured by the degree to which we successfully share with others and are concerned with their welfare. Happiness and success are mostly related to social connectedness. Its most significant and distinctive concept refers to a person’s attitude toward and awareness of being a part of the human community. While Cognitive Behavior Therapy believes that that we can change the way we think to feel or act better even if the situation does not change. In Adlerian Theory, building self-confidence and stimulating courage is the best way to encourage a client. It is believed to be the most powerful method available for changing a person’s beliefs. In contrast, discouragement is the basic condition that prevents people from functioning. The therapy encourages clients to recognize their clients to choose and act differently. The two complexes are also considered on this therapy. These are Inferiority Complex and Superiority Complex. Inferiority Complex is normal feelings of incompetence and exaggerates them-impossible to achieve goals-hopeless. The Superiority Complex is a very high opinion of self-bragging and quick to argue personal solutions to problems are right one-convince others of being valuable to them and to self. Everyone is born with some physical weakness-motivate life choices. Aggression Drive is a reaction to perceived helplessness or inferiority lashing out against the inability to achieve or master. (Alder, 1997) CBT have a different approach. The therapy does not tell people how they should feel. However, most people seeking therapy do not want to feel they way they do. Cognitive behavioral teaches the benefits of feeling, at worst, calm when confronted with undesirable situations. It also emphasizes the fact that we have our undesirable situations whether we are upset about them or not. If we are upset about our problems, we have two problems the problem, and our upset about it. Most sane people want to have the fewest number of problems possible. Additional Concepts: In Adlerian therapy, masculine protest is defined when kids work to become independent from and equal to adults people in power-autonomous-positive assertive. Perfection striving is defined when people who are not neurotically bound to an inferiority complex spend their lives trying to meet their fictional goals. The therapy tries to eliminate a client’s perceived flaws, and gives motivation and focus. It focuses on understanding social issues and social responsibility by providing tasks that are career-self worth and societal task-creating friendship networks. The program is positive and goal oriented humanity. The client strives to overcome weaknesses to function productively contributing to society. During the therapy, client explores private logical concepts about oneself, about life and others, where philosophy lifestyle is based. It tries to discover purposes of behavior or symptoms and basic mistakes associated with their coping. During the process, it teaches the client to learn how to correct faulty assumptions and conclusions. (Mosak, 1999) CBT on the other hand follows the Stonic philosophy. The therapy does not tell people how they should feel. However, most people seeking therapy do not want to feel they way they do. Cognitive behavioral teaches the benefits of feeling, at worst, calm when confronted with undesirable situations. It also emphasizes the fact that we have our undesirable situations whether we are upset about them or not. If we are upset about our problems, we have two problems the problem, and our upset about it. Most sane people want to have the fewest number of problems possible. Therapist should get to know the client as a person. It needs to collaborate on goals for therapy. It supports therapist-caring human connection. The therapist works to make client feel deeply understood and accepted. The client focuses on what needs to change in the therapy. In Adlerian, subjective interview encourages the client to tell his or her own story as expert on own life. The therapist listens for clues to client’s coping and approach to life. Questions being used on this kind of interviews are: â€Å"How would your life be different, and what would you do differently, if you did not have this symptom or problem? †Objective interview is a life style assessment process. It comprises early recollection, personality priorities, family constellation, Integration, and summary. The therapist should encourage self-understanding and insights that tend to understand the motivation that operates client’s life. The therapist should explore the purposes of symptoms, behaviors, feelings, and human difficulties. The encouragement process of the Adlerian therapy is to build courage to change and to overcome discouragement. In the process, personal growth is encouraged and reinforced. It also helps change and search for new possibilities and makes a difference through the change in behavior, attitude, or perception. The Adlerian Approach is used in education, marriage counseling, family counseling, group work, and parent education. . (Alder, 1997) CBT on the other hand, have a different of method and sets of questions it follows. Cognitive-behavioral therapists want to gain a very good understanding of their clients concerns. That is why they often ask questions. They also encourage their clients to ask questions of themselves, like, How do I really know that those people are laughing at me? Could they be laughing about something else? Cognitive-behavioral therapists have a specific agenda for each session. Specific techniques / concepts are taught during each session. CBT focuses on helping the client achieve the goals they have set. CBT is directive in that respect. However, CBT therapists do not tell their clients what to do rather, they teach their clients how to do. Relationship of the therapist to the client In Adlerian Therapy, the client-therapist relationship is based on mutual trust, respect, confidence, and alignments of goals. It needs to establish a collaborative relationship to make the therapy a success. The therapist develops therapeutic contract-goals during the program. While in this approach the therapist tries to put emphasis on the responsibility of the client for his or her own behaviors, in Cognitive behavior therapists focus on teaching rational self-counseling skills. Techniques and Procedure Adlerian therapy helps the client to make new choices-reorientation and reeducation. It encourages the development of self-understanding-insight into purpose. It explores the psychological changes operating in the client’s assessment. CBT shares a different procedure and technique. The program is based on the scientifically supported assumption that most emotional and behavioral reactions are learned. Therefore, the goal of therapy is to help clients unlearn their unwanted reactions and to learn a new way of reacting. While Cognitive Behavioral therapists do not present themselves as know-it-alls†, the assumption is that if clients knew what the therapist had to teach them, clients would not have the emotional / behavioral problems they are experiencing. Therefore, CBT has nothing to do with just talking. People can just talk with anyone. (Abramson, 2000) The educational emphasis of CBT has an additional benefit it leads to long-term results. When people understand how and why they are doing well, they can continue doing what they are doing to make themselves well. The therapy relies on the inductive method. A central aspect of Rational thinking is that it is based on fact, not simply our assumptions made. Often, we upset ourselves about things when, in fact, the situation is not like we think it is. If we knew that, we would not waste our time upsetting ourselves. Therefore, the inductive method encourages us to look at our thoughts as being hypotheses that can be questioned and tested. If we find that our hypotheses are incorrect (because we have new information), then we can change our thinking to be in line with how the situation really is. There are over 25 very common mental mistakes that people make that cause them to not have the facts straight. Goal achievement could take a very long time if all a person were only to think about the techniques and topics taught for one hour per week. That is why CBT therapists assign reading assignments and encourage their clients to practice the techniques learned. (Abramson, 2000) Conclusion Adler placed an important emphasis on social interest. Freud saw society and the individual at odds with one another, but Adler saw society and the individual as mutually supportive. He believed that it was natural, normal and healthy for people to be involved and concerned with one another, and that the absence of this was a sign of maladaptation in the individual. The psychotherapy system that Adler developed is not constrained by techniques, such as classical psychoanalysis is by free association. Adlerian therapy seeks to help people actualize their goals in life (overcome their inferiority feelings) and is very supportive an encouraging. It is also, however, challenging and confronting on problematic lifestyles and goals. Adlerian therapists seek to establish empathy and build rapport with their clients, and to understand the lifestyle that guides their behavior in functional or dysfunctional ways. Adlerian psychotherapy seeks to develop people who have high social interest, who are cooperative with others, and who have a decreased sense of inferiority. The approach assumes that most people in therapy feel relatively powerless and discouraged, so encouragement is a cornerstone of the therapeutic approach. Self-confidence and a conviction that one can cope with the problems presented by life are critical goals of the therapy. Its strong positive and forward moving nature makes it an excellent therapeutic approach for people struggling with a sense of failure in life. While Cognitive Behavior Therapy is probably the most widely researched psychotherapy that exists today, and there is more research support for its efficacy than there is for any other therapy. The treatment is collaborative, structured, and goal-oriented. CBT is designed to be as short term as possible, though sometimes with complex cases and severe mental illness treatment takes longer. CBT also places a strong emphasis on relapse prevention, which essentially teaches patients skills so they can learn to be their own therapists. Cognitive therapy involves recognizing unhelpful patterns of thinking and reacting, then modifying or replacing these with more realistic or helpful ones. It is based on the idea that how we think, how we feel , and how we act all interact together. Specifically, our thoughts determine our feelings and our behavior. Therefore, negative thoughts can cause us distress and result in problems. Reference Abramson, L. , Seligman, M. E. P. Teasdale, J. 2000. Learned Helplessness in Humans: Critique and Reformulation. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 87 pp49-74 Adler, A. 1997 . Understanding Life: an Introduction to the Psychology of Alfred Adler. Oxford: Oneworld. Beck, J. S. 1995 . Cognitive Therapy: Basics and Beyond. New York, NY: Guilford Press. Mosak, H. , Maniacci, M. 1999. A Primer of Adlerian Psychology: The Analytic Behavioral Cognitive Psychology of Alfred Adler. Philadelphia,
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